Homework Formatting Instructions
There are certain minimum requirements for your homework submissions. Here are the basics:
- Write your name, my name, the course name and the due date at the top of the assignment.
- Cleanly and clearly write out your solutions to the problems in the order they were assigned. SHOW ALL OF YOUR (necessary) WORK! (Hint: this should not be your first draft.)
- Include the problem statement with your solution.
- If you are submitting more than one page, STAPLE them together. You are responsible for finding a stapler, I won't be bringing one to class.
- Your work is expected to be in final draft form.
- Your work should be in complete sentences with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation, and double spaced (unless submitted electronically as a Geometer's Sketchpad file, in that case, single spaced is OK).
- I encourage you to use LaTeX when writing up assignments. If you are not typing your work, write in pen neatly.
- Don't submit handwritten work on paper that has those horrible scritchy bits from having been ripped out of a spiral bound notebook. This is a major pet peeve of mine, so don't do it unless you want to make me angry (and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry).
Interpreting scores
When I grade proofs (and substantive exercises), I will use the following grading scheme:
5= perfectly correct
4= minor errors in argument or presentation
3= single significant error in argument or poor presentation of correct argument
2= numerous errors but good faith attempt
1= substantially incorrect attempt
0= failure to submit or inappropriate response.